Special Place

Isaiah 43 verse states as follows:
"But now, this is what the Lord say - he who created you O Jacob, he who formed you O Israel: "fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name; you are mine".
This is God's word reminding us that God created us and apart from that he has given us a special place by making us his own. We are called by him for a special purpose. There is a divine assurance in this verse of scripture for us. There is divine redemption for us in God. There is also a divine call and divine ownership. These are the things that we should base our self esteem on. Our self esteem should not be based on our work because if we lose it we will get depressed or even suicidal. Our self esteem should not be based on our possessions or property because we could lose them at any time since they are transient. Our self esteem should not be based on what people think of us because people can change and so can their opinions of us. If we depend on people's opinions we will become vulnerable to rejection. What we have to do is to discover what God thinks about us and build our lives on that. That is the safest thing to do and it has results for now and eternity. Remember Jesus Christ will be coming again to judge the world so let's live for him. Amen